Special offer (-excludes Hypnoslimmer)
Prices within the calendar link will reflect this offer.
Prices for all appointments booked between the dates of 12th December 2023 until midnight 12th January 2024. This includes dates booked outside this range. For example, book a hypnotherapy appointment now for March 2024, as long as this is booked and paid for before 12/1/24, it will be the discounted price.
All personal information provided is treated with confidentiality.
One to one online sessions are unique to your personal circumstances and designed to help you get to your goals. Sessions can be booked in blocks of four (with weekly sessions recommended).
For the appointment to take place, you will need a WIFI connection and device such as a laptop, mobile phone or tablet. A secure link will be sent for the meeting once booked online.It is important to be located in a space where you are comfortable ( e.g. comfy chair) and will not be disturbed for the duration of the session.
Hypnotherapy sessions can be booked online clicking on the appointment booking button on the various pages. A free consultation (20 minutes) can also be booked to discuss the type of therapy needed. This will open an appointment system in an external page.
If you are unable to book online please send a message.
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